Value creation model

Value creation model

Our main business





Business Services


Growth in business, leading to increase in net sales and profit-sharing for partners and employees.

Net sales: EUR 711 (vs. EUR 655)

More diversity across all levels of our workforce.

21% of women at partner/director level (vs. 19%)

Better retention of employees – important at a time of skills shortages across
the profession.

Average retention rate among professionals:
85.6% (vs. 83.2%)

Better career paths, opportunities and skills development leading to more engaged employees.

Employee engagement score: 80% (vs. 79%)

More time spent on internal quality reviews, leading to better results from external inspections.

Engagement Quality Control Review (EQCR) hours spent as % of total hours spent on EQCR engagements: 1.2% (vs. 1.2%)

Results from external inspections: n/a (vs. 94%)

More investment in new digital technologies and tools.

Total investments as percentage of audit revenues: 5% (vs. 5%)

Executing KPMG Global Impact Plan in Netherlands.

Net CO2 emissions 9,500 tCO2e (vs. 7,403)*


Increased trust in financial markets and corporate reporting.

Supporting economic growth and better management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

And contributing to UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To illustrate outputs, we have used chosen key performance indicators, marked