Business growth and approach

Our commercial approach is to focus on sectors in which we are recognized experts, meaning we can help clients grow by providing them with practical and actionable insights. Specifically, we continue to see strong client demand for digital & innovation, strategy, acquisition-based growth and ESG services. Since 2020 up to financial year-end 2023, we have won 62% of our designated targets as part of the Mandatory Firm Rotation.

Developments in our priority sectors in 2022/2023

  • Financial Services:
    Client demand remained strong, partly driven by continued desire to digitalize and increased regulation, including new ESG reporting requirements.

  • Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare:
    Client demand in these sectors increased, driven in particular by infrastructure projects, housing and the energy transition.

  • Consumer & Retail:
    We saw further revenue growth from the consumer & retail sector, though the sector faced resource scarcity and supply chain pressures during the year. Companies continued, however, to invest in digitalizing their operations and customer experience, as well as their ESG reporting to meet new requirements.

  • Energy & Natural Resources:
    Demand for our ESG services increased as a result of continued investment in the energy transition. Meeting commitments to achieve net zero and fulfilling reporting regulation remained a key topic for many clients.

  • Technology, Media & Telecommunications:
    In this sector, large-scale digital transformations and the replacement of legacy systems continued, as did client efforts to become more customer-centric and future-proof themselves against further technological advances.

In addition to these sectors, we also continue to work with family businesses and emerging giants – the next generations of leading companies in the Netherlands.

Our approach to client management is to continuously move and grow with the trends shaping these sectors and our clients’ individual businesses. We look to work collaboratively with clients, and provide them with detailed and specific insights they can act on. This helps us build trust, which is crucial to our chances of success with both advisory and assurance work. 

To gain more insights and to further develop our products and services for clients, we have renewed our client insights process. Our client satisfaction survey scores show a high level of satisfaction: Assurance 95%, Advisory 96% and overall 95%[1]. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS) can range from -100 to +100. 38% of our clients are willing to recommend our services to others, 6% are not, resulting in an overall NPS of +32 (Assurance: +19 and Advisory: +45).

  • 1 As we have renewed our client insights process, results are not comparable to previous fiscal years.