17 Receivables

EUR 000

30 September 2023

30 September 2022

Trade receivables



Other receivables








The recoverable amounts of trade receivables are estimated every quarter. The important factors to be considered when estimating trade receivables are historical performance, the terms and conditions of contracts, and progress on and results of work performed. Both expected macro-economic factors and the financial position of the debtor are important when assessing the loss allowance.

Unbilled services on contracts with customers are presented as contract assets in Note 5.

Other receivables include receivables from the Dutch Tax Authorities, as well as insurance receivables with respect to legal proceedings.

17.1 Trade receivables

All trade receivables are due within one year.

Trade receivables are shown net of expected credit losses of EUR 603 (2021/2022: net of expected credit losses of EUR 1,033). In the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income a loss of EUR 189 (2021/2022: a loss of EUR 181) has been recognized under impairment on trade receivables.

17.2 Other

All other receivables are due within one year. The prepayments mainly consist of prepaid insurance premiums.