Material topics dashboard

Every year we carry out an assessment of our operating environment. We use this assessment to identify our ‘material topics’ for the next 12 months – in other words, those areas where we believe we can create the most value for stakeholders and society. These topics are then mapped to our four focus areas and provide the basis for both our reporting and engagement with stakeholders.

Note on methodology

Our assessment is based on a survey of stakeholders and senior KPMG N.V. management, and input used in our regular interactions as described in ‘engaging with our stakeholders’. Survey respondents are asked to rank a series of economic, financial, environmental, social and governance issues according to their impact on both KPMG N.V. and its stakeholders. The material topics listed below were those that ranked the highest (among both stakeholders and management). Survey respondents are drawn from our main stakeholder groups and members of KPMG’s Board of Management. For further details, see: Materiality assessment and Management of material issues, which provides details of how we manage potential risks and opportunities arising from our material topics.

Key performance indicators:

Results of internal KPMG N.V. audit inspections 

Results of external inspections 

Partner hours in Public Interested Entity (PIE) audit engagements 

Partner hours in non-PIE audit engagements 

Hours spent on PIE audit engagements by IT and other specialists 

Hours spent on non-PIE audit engagements by IT and other specialists 

Number of technical consultations as % of total audit engagements 

Financial statements with restatements as % of audit opinions issued

Average number of hours spent in training per client-facing professional in audit 

Technical resources support (FTEs) as % of total audit FTEs 

EQCR hours spent as percentage of total hours spent on EQCR engagements (scope: all EQCR engagements excl. three largest clients)

Percentage of engagements involving EQCRs 

Independence violations, both internal and external, as % of total audit headcount 

GPS survey results related to coaching and audit quality 

Employee engagement

Workforce diversity by age, gender and career level 

Membership of main governance bodies1 by gender and age 

Investments made in developing new audit technologies and tools
as % of total audit revenues

ESG – Impact on clients:
Number of participants in ESG Innovation Institute’s executive ESG program  2

ESG – Impact on environment:
Net CO2 emissions per headcount 

Percentage of renewable electricity 

Net CO2 emissions scope 1,2 and 3 

ESG – Impact on society:
Doing good for broader society (cash contributions, in EUR) 

Doing good for broader society by KPMG employees (hours in EUR) 

Employee retention

1 Including the Supervisory Board, Board of Management and Group Leadership Team.
2 Including KPMG N.V. partners and directors, as well as executives from client companies.