Our strategy

Through our Trust & Growth strategy, we want KPMG N.V. to be the go-to firm in the Netherlands for Assurance and Advisory services. This means delivering high-quality services, building public trust, quickly adopting new digital, data and AI technologies, ensuring ESG runs through everything we do, and continuing to attract the best and brightest talent in our industry.

Our goal is to deliver quality audits and advisory engagements, resulting in profitable, sustainable growth for our businesses. We aspire for KPMG N.V. to play a role in society’s big transformations – increased digitalization, greater equality, and the move to sustainable economic growth. To emphasize this, our strategy in 2022/2023 operated under the theme: For Better in a Complex World.

First introduced in 2018, we call our strategy Trust & Growth because we understand that trust is the foundation of our business (it guarantees our license to operate), and that without trust, we cannot grow our businesses.

Trust & Growth is built on five focus areas. For each area, we have formulated clear ambitions:

Focus area


Public trust

To be the most trusted and trustworthy professional services firm

We want to be recognized as a leading brand in the Dutch market, highly appreciated for trust, digital and ESG transformations, resulting in societal recognition and talent attraction.


For clients to choose us and remain loyal to us

Our aim is to be the preferred supplier for our managed accounts, and to be recognized as a thought leader within our priority sectors.


To offer the best human experience and help others succeed

We want our people to be proud to work for us. We want them to thrive, and for KPMG to be the best place for them to develop their careers and to deliver value to clients and society.

Digital innovation

To be recognized as a genuinely client-centric, innovative, and digitally enabled company

We will use technology to power our products and services to drive impact at our customers, strengthen our IT backbone and increase the digital savviness of our people.

Financial strength

To deliver profitable, long-term sustainable growth

Our goal is to continue to pursue sustainable and profitable growth, above the market average.

To support these ambitions, we have also set priorities for each focus area, closely aligned with those of the broader KPMG network – as well as priority sectors and markets, including financial services, energy and resources, consumer and industrial, infrastructure, government and healthcare. Full details of our priorities can be found in our Building public trust (new window), Financial and business performance (new window) and People, culture and learning (new window) sections.

In addition to these priorities, we see culture as a key differentiator, crucial to the long-term success of our Trust & Growth strategy. For us, this is about creating a psychologically safe working environment in which our people feel included, can speak their minds and are encouraged to ask questions and experiment without fear of failure or reproval. Only then can our organization reap the benefits in productivity, innovation and well-being.

We are also convinced that our current multidisciplinary model – combining Assurance and Advisory – is the right one for KPMG N.V.. This model makes us more resilient, better able to respond to new challenges in areas such as ESG – and to invest, innovate and attract the talent we need to execute our strategy.

Progress against our strategy

Phase 1 of Trust & Growth ended in 2020/2021. Since then, we have made considerable progress. We have rolled out our KPMG Clara (new window) smart audit platform, and in doing so we have moved closer to a data-driven and digitally enabled audit. We have also expanded our digital and embedded ESG in all our solutions to increase our sustainability support to clients, and reported excellent retention rates – important at a time of severe skills shortages across the profession.

We still have work to do – in moving to more efficient operating models in Advisory, Assurance and Business Services; in extending use of digital technologies (new window) and AI across our business units; and in improving our ethical culture. These challenges are our highest priority and the focus of our current efforts to address them.

Performance indicators

We track progress against our strategy through a series of key performance indicators (new window) (KPIs). These KPIs are mapped both against our five strategic focus areas and our material topics. Throughout this report, we have marked these KPIs with a checkmark symbol. Details of current performance against each KPI can be found by clicking on the links in the Material topics dashboard (new window).