Due diligence

The table below summarizes our ESG commitments, and processes in place to manage these commitments across our value chain, mitigate potential adverse impacts and to measure and monitor suspected violations or infringements of KPMG N.V. standards.

ESG risks


Due diligence across KPMG N.V. value chain

Management approach

Own operations

Upstream (suppliers)

Downstream (clients)

Environmental (climate risk, both physical and transition risk)

Limit environmental impacts (Global Code of Conduct)

Science-based targets to reduce environmental impact from own business activities

All suppliers are subject to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes ESG clauses. Furthermore, as part of contract management, we agree to KPIs on ESG aspects and discuss these quarterly with our suppliers.

Embedding ESG into both Assurance and Advisory engagements

ESG risks are included in our Enterprise Risk Management approach. This is supported by extensive internal policies and controls relating to ESG topics, including our Code of Conduct (new window), which applies the same standards to KPMG employees, clients, suppliers and subcontractors. Outside stakeholders may report suspected violations of our standards in confidence via the KPMG International Hotline (new window). We report on our ESG performance every year in our annual Integrated Report.

Precautionary approach/development of environmentally-friendly technologies/greater environmental responsibility (UN Global Compact principles)

Social (human/labor rights violations)

Inclusive, healthy and safe work environment/work-life balance (Global Code of Conduct)

In-house IDE programs, skills development, career paths and proportional promotions

As above

Embedding ESG risks and factors into Assurance and Advisory services

Business and Human Rights Statement (in line with UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights)

Support for UN Declaration on Human Rights, Interational Labor Organization core standards

Anti-bribery policy (UN Global Compact principles)

Human rights/labor/anti-corruption (UN Global Compact principles)

Governance (legal, regulatory or ethical risk)

Zero tolerance on unethical behavior/data protection/quality focus/fair competition (Global Code of Conduct)

Extensive SoQM, regular internal and external inspections, in-house training and education

As above

Established due diligence process for onboarding clients

Corporate values (Integrity, Excellence, Courage, Together, For Better)