Notes to the company financial statements

30 Basis of preparation

The company financial statements and the consolidated financial statements together constitute the statutory financial statements of KPMG N.V. (the Company). Read more over 30 Basis of preparation

31 Non-current financial assets

Non-current financial assets represent investments in group companies. Read more over 31 Non-current financial assets

32 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at hand and bank balances that are freely available. The interest rate applicable in 2022/2023 was 1.7% (2021/2022: 0.0%). Read more over 32 Cash and cash equivalents

33 Shareholders’ equity

Movements in equity can be specified as follows: Read more over 33 Shareholders’ equity

34 Loans and borrowings

Movements in financing by partners can be specified as follows: Read more over 34 Loans and borrowings

35 Financial instruments

For general information on financial instruments and associated risks, please see Note 24 Financial instruments and associated risks of the consolidated financial statements. Read more over 35 Financial instruments

36 Related parties

The Company’s related parties comprise subsidiaries, Coöperatie KPMG U.A., and key management. Read more over 36 Related parties

37 Tax and social insurance contributions

Tax and social insurance contributions relate to VAT payable by the Company for the last quarter of the financial year. Read more over 37 Tax and social insurance contributions

38 Liabilities not recognized in the company statement of financial position     

The Company has given guarantees that its subsidiaries, the financial figures of which are included in the consolidated financial statements, will comply with certain contractual obligations. Read more over 38 Liabilities not recognized in the company statement of financial position     

39 Number of partners

On average in 2022/2023, 168 (2021/2022: 158) FTE partners were active for the Company under management agreements. Read more over 39 Number of partners

40 Remuneration of the Board of Management

Details of the remuneration of members of the Board of Management are disclosed in Note 28.2.2 Key management to the consolidated financial statements. Read more over 40 Remuneration of the Board of Management

41 Auditor’s remuneration

The remuneration of the Company's auditors for the 2022/2023 financial year was EUR 0.5 million (2021/2022: EUR 0.4 million), which was completely related to the audit of financial statements of the Company (2021/2022: EUR 0.3 million). Read more over 41 Auditor’s remuneration