41 Auditor’s remuneration

The remuneration of the Company's auditors for the 2022/2023 financial year was EUR 0.5 million (2021/2022: EUR 0.4 million), which was completely related to the audit of financial statements of the Company (2021/2022: EUR 0.3 million).

Amstelveen, 24 May 2024

Board of Management:
S. Hottenhuis (chair)
M.A. Broskij
E.G. Herrie
M.W.J. Van de Luur

Supervisory Board:
B.E.M. Wientjes (chair)
J.W. Berendsen
G. Boon
C.D.J. Bulten
A.P.H.M. Hovius
K. Singh