Stakeholder engagement

We maintain constant dialogue with our stakeholders; this helps us understand their needs, build trust and define value creation, as well as identify specific risks and opportunities for our business. We engage with our stakeholders, among others, through regular meetings, conferences, events and surveys. 

Defining our stakeholders

To identify our stakeholders, we use a 360-degree definition – i.e., any individual or group affecting our business, operations or performance or who, in turn, may be affected by our activities or decision-making. Using this definition, we recognize six separate stakeholder groups: 

  • Clients (including public, private and volunteer sectors)

  • Employees (including professionals, graduates and other jobseekers)

  • Equity partners

  • Wider society (including NGOs and local community groups)

  • Regulators, policymakers and other standard setters

  • Suppliers, business partners, membership associations and other KPMG member firms

Stakeholder group /methods of engagement

Principal issues addressed (2022/2023)


Client satisfaction surveys (including client care interviews)

Regulatory changes (including CSRD (new window))

Client events

Mandatory Firm Rotations (MFRs)

Visits by Board members (as part of our Client Connect program)

ESG/adoption of new digital technologies

Regular contact during assurance/advisory engagements

Price increases in both Assurance/Advisory

Roll-out of KPMG Clara (new window)

Continued public sector investment in infrastructure, healthcare etc.


Annual Global People Survey (supported by multiple pulse surveys)

Ethical standards and (audit) quality

Dialogue with Works Council and KPMG Young Board

Workload/work-life balance

Performance reviews, training, education and awareness programs

Cost of living and approach to pay

Regular internal communications

Psychological safety (new window) in workplace

Careers section on website, in-house days and KPMG events for jobseekers and professionals

Inclusion, diversity & equity (new window) programs and initiatives

Partnerships with universities and business schools

New career paths (new window) (ESG/digital)

Introduction of new target operating models

Equity partners

Quarterly partner meetings

Maintaining high standards of ethics/audit quality

General shareholder meetings/meetings with Management Board of Coöperatie KPMG U.A.

Financial performance/rising costs

Performance reviews, training, education and awareness programs

Strategic investments (new window) program

Global People Survey and pulse surveys

Introduction of target operating models

Skills shortages, recruitment and succession planning

Wider society 

Thought leadership through KPMG Insights, surveys and other publications

Support for community initiatives

Support for community initiatives

Thought leadership program (including KPMG Insights (new window))

Press releases and engagement with media

Roll-out of KPMG Impact Plan (new window)

Investigation into answer sharing (new window) related to mandatory training tests

Regulators, policymakers and other standard setters

Inspections by external regulators

Investigation into answer sharing (new window) related to mandatory training tests, inspection of our system of quality control regarding engagement quality control reviews (EQCR), as well as inspection of the role of the EQCR on four engagements

Participation in public conferences, debates and round tables 

Maintaining audit quality and ethical culture

Feedback given on proposed legislation and rule changes

Introduction of ISQM 1 (new window)

Quarterly meetings with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM (new window))

New EU non-financial reporting requirements (CSRD (new window))

Future of audit (including education)

Audit quality indicators (new window)

Suppliers, business partners and other KPMG member firms

Regular dialogue with other KPMG member firms

Group projects (including KPMG Clara (new window))

Global projects (including KPMG Clara (new window), Service Now, and Connected (new window), Powered (new window), Trusted (new window))

Key alliances (such as Microsoft, SalesForce, SAP and ServiceNow)

KPMG representation in professional and industry associations

Increasing prices for goods and services

Regular engagement with suppliers and other business partners during projects

Use of group resources (e.g. Global Growth Accelerator and KPMG Delivery Network (new window))

Membership associations

As part of our stakeholder management, we engage in different membership associations. These include the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, VNO-NCW (new window); the Dutch network for Sustainably Responsible Organizations, MVO Nederland (new window); UN Global Compact Network Netherlands (new window), a network to promote the sustainability of companies with the aim of improving the lives of future generations; and Anders Reizen (new window) (Travel Differently), a coalition with the aim of reducing business travel emissions with 50% in 2030.