Disclosures incorporated by reference

To streamline our sustainability reporting, we have incorporated certain information by reference to other parts of the integrated report. The following is a list of the ESRS disclosure requirements and specific data points incorporated by reference to other parts of the Board of Management report or financial statements, ensuring that stakeholders can easily locate the relevant information:

  • The role of the administrative, management, and supervisory bodies;

  • For the composition and experience of KPMG N.V.’s Board of Management and Supervisory Board, see Board of Management (new window) and Members of the Supervisory Board (new window) sections in our management review;

  • For an explanation of our business model and strategy and how our sustainability matters are included, see Business model and strategy (new window) for an explanation of our business model.

  • More information on how we embed adherence to strict compliance standards in our organization, we refer to the Regulatory compliance, goverance, and policies enterprise risk as included in the Regulatory compliance, governance, and policies (new window) table.

  • Stakeholder engagement (new window).