28.1 Other commitments
The Group has long-term property leases for which the service costs are excluded from the lease liability and right-of-use asset in the consolidated balance sheet. In addition, the Group has commitments that are exempt from recognition in the balance sheet in accordance with IFRS 16, such as for personal computers and IT services, and commitments under long-term sponsorship agreements. The total of these commitments as at September 30, 2024 amounted to EUR 30,528 (September 30, 2023: EUR 30,362).
Non-cancellable commitments:
EUR 000 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Service costs |
Other contracts |
Total |
Service costs |
Other contracts |
Total |
Within 1 year |
2,081 |
13,486 |
15,567 |
1,981 |
8,407 |
10,388 |
Between 1-5 years |
5,699 |
4,507 |
10,206 |
6,095 |
8,089 |
14,184 |
After 5 years |
4,755 |
– |
4,755 |
5,790 |
– |
5,790 |
12,535 |
17,993 |
30,528 |
13,866 |
16,496 |
30,362 |
The Group has significant commitments that are based on FTEs and/or volume used, such as telecom contracts (the longest of which will expire in 2024/2025), mobility related contracts (the longest of which until 2027/2028) and subscriptions to certain news channels (the longest of which until 2025/2026).
The future rental income from sub-leases is as follows:
EUR 000 |
September 30, 2024 |
September 30, 2023 |
Within 1 year |
1,853 |
1,748 |
Between 1 and 5 years |
6,632 |
5,090 |
After 5 years |
9,650 |
8,549 |
18,135 |
15,387 |
The following expenses related to other commitments and rental expenses were recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income:
EUR 000 |
2023/2024 |
2022/2023 |
Properties |
1,926 |
2,363 |
Cars |
46 |
442 |
Other contracts |
8,407 |
13,406 |
28.2 Tax Group
Together with its 100% subsidiaries, including KPMG N.V., Coöperatie KPMG U.A. forms a tax group for corporate income tax purposes. Each of the companies in the tax group is, under the relevant standard tax conditions, jointly and severally liable for the tax payable by all of the companies in the tax group. As the head of the income tax fiscal unity, the Cooperative pays the income tax assessments. It is, however, KPMG N.V. that incurs the total income tax expense of the tax group, except for the amount attributable to the Cooperative under the ruling with the Dutch Tax Authorities.
KPMG N.V. is part of a tax group for value added tax purposes, headed by Coöperatie KPMG U.A. Each of the companies in the tax group is, under the relevant standard tax conditions, jointly and severally liable for the tax payable by all of the companies in the tax group.
28.3 Guarantees and pledges
The Group has a combined credit and guarantee facility of EUR 20,000 (2022/2023: EUR 50,000), of which a drawdown of EUR 154 was made (2022/2023: no drawdown) in the form of a guarantee. All trade receivables and bank balances including business savings accounts are subject to a first pledge in favor of the bank in connection with the credit facility provided.
Unbilled services and Property, plant and equipment, with the exception of assets under construction are subject to a first pledge in favor of Coöperatie KPMG U.A. as security for loans advanced. In addition, all trade receivables and bank balances including business savings accounts are subject to a second pledge in favor of Coöperatie KPMG U.A. as security for loans advanced.
The Company provided Parent Company guarantees related to some of the properties that are leased. The total of those guarantees as at September 30, 2024 amounted to EUR 3,473 (September 30, 2023: EUR 3,383).
The Company provided a guarantee to a bank relating to all audit partners of the KPMG group that are financed by this bank. The guarantee relates to outstanding balances insofar used to finance KPMG and to the extent that profits have been deferred in line with measure 3.5, published by the Royal Netherlands Institute for Chartered Accountants.
28.4 Legal disputes and other contingencies
Claims have been filed and proceedings have been instituted against the Group on the grounds of alleged failure to perform professional duties. The Group evaluates whether relevant circumstances are such that it is reasonable to assume that they will result in the Group entity being held liable on the grounds of alleged failure to perform professional duties. A decision is taken on a case-by-case basis as to whether it is probable that the case will involve an outflow of resources from the Group. In such cases, a provision is accounted for. The Group carries professional indemnity insurance. The status of cases of this nature can be such that either no financial impact is expected or no estimation can be made as to the financial impact. Consequently, in these cases no provision was recognized.