Stakeholder engagement
We frequently and actively engage with our stakeholders to ensure that their interests and views regarding our sustainability matters are incorporated into our strategy and business model. Our dynamic approach involves the key stakeholder groups defined in the Stakeholder engagement chapter of our management review. Although there have been multiple forms of engagement, no direct external stakeholder engagement specifically on the DMA has taken place. Instead, external perspectives were considered by internal officers, our experts, and representatives. These representatives were involved in assessing our material sustainability matters during workshops and validation sessions and in strengthening the policies, actions, targets, and metrics that are reported in this sustainability statement.
In 2023/2024, our stakeholder engagement reiterated the importance of the sustainability transition in a tight labor market. This therefore continues to guide developments in our strategy and business model.
Our stakeholder engagement informs us on the impact of our services on our stakeholders. We use a structured process that includes regular surveys, one-on-one meetings, regular meetings with the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) representation on the boards of professional bodies and standard setters (such as the Royal Netherlands Institute for Chartered Accountants (NBA) and EFRAG), and sector organizations, workshops, and public events. Through our global KPMG network, we also engage with an international group of stakeholders, the results of which are also reflected in our strategy and business decisions.
Outcomes and integration into our strategy
Not only does our stakeholder engagement feed the identification and assessment of sustainability matters in our DMA, but the outcomes of our engagement activities are also integrated into our strategy and business model, ensuring that KPMG N.V.’s strategy remains responsive to and closely aligned with the evolving needs of our stakeholders.
Our own workforce is a key group of stakeholders with whom we engage frequently via different channels. These include our GPS and pulse surveys, through which we collect views on workplace issues, as further explained in section 3.1 Own workforce (new window). This employee feedback has recently driven initiatives focusing on diversity and inclusion, psychological safety, and new career paths (see section 3.1 Own workforce (new window) and section 3.2 Consumers and end-users (new window) for further details).
Our clients and regulators are two other very important stakeholder groups. We engage with clients through satisfaction surveys and interviews as part of the Client Care program, and with regulators through quarterly meetings, feedback sessions, and steering groups or sector events, to ensure compliance with new and upcoming regulations. Insights from clients and regulators help us enhance our service offerings by informing, for example, the increase of ESG lenses and solutions in our services.
These experts were involved in assessing our material sustainability matters during workshops and validation sessions and in strengthening the policies, actions, targets, and metrics that are reported in this sustainability statement.
Informing governance bodies about stakeholder views
The views and interests of affected stakeholders regarding our sustainability-related impacts are regularly communicated to the Board of Management and incorporated in strategic discussions and decisions.