
115 results found showing 31 to 40

23  Provisions

Movements in provisions in 2023/2024: Read more over 23 Provisions

24  Trade and other payables

The Group’s liquidity risk relating to trade and other payables is disclosed in Note 25.3 Liquidity risk. Read more over 24 Trade and other payables

25  Financial instruments and associated risks

Financial instruments that are used by KPMG N.V. arise directly from normal business operations. During the financial year it was KPMG N.V. Read more over 25 Financial instruments and associated risks

26  Leases

The Group leases office buildings, cars and office equipment. The leases typically run for a period of four to five years for cars, five to 15 years for buildings and five years for office equipment. Read more over 26 Leases

27  List of subsidiaries

Unless otherwise stated, the following subsidiaries are wholly owned by KPMG N.V. Read more over 27 List of subsidiaries

28  Liabilities and assets not recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position

The Group has long-term property leases for which the service costs are excluded from the lease liability and right-of-use asset in the consolidated balance sheet. Read more over 28 Liabilities and assets not recognized in the consolidated statement of financial position

29  Collaboration agreements and related parties

In the Netherlands, the Group collaborates with an independent firm of tax consultants, KPMG Meijburg & Co. The financial figures of this firm are not included in the consolidated financial statements of KPMG N.V. Read more over 29 Collaboration agreements and related parties

Material accounting policies

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements and by all companies included in the consolidation, except those explained in Note 2.6, which address changes in Read more over 3 Material accounting policies

Social information

Social sustainability is at the core not only of our business but also of who we are as a firm. Read more over 3 Social information

3.1  Own workforce

The impact we have on our workforce and the financial risks we face if we do not nurture, support, and inspire our people in the right way are at the core of our sustainability matters. Read more over 3.1 Own workforce
