115 results found showing 111 to 115
We use an enterprise risk management (ERM) framework to identify risks. Once risks are identified, we take measures to prevent or mitigate them. Ultimately, risk management is the responsibility of our Board of Management. Read more over Risk management and controls
The following tables provide a breakdown of KPMG N.V.’s revenue for 2023/2024, segmented by business. Read more over Segmentation of revenue/other income
We maintain constant dialogue with our stakeholders to help us understand their needs, build trust, and define value creation, as well as to identify specific risks and opportunities for our business. Read more over Stakeholder engagement
As required by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM 1) and KPMG International Limited Policy, KPMG N.V. and its subsidiaries (jointly referred to as ‘KPMG’) have Read more over Statement of effectiveness
As well as an extensive induction program for new Supervisory Board members, there is a training curriculum for all Supervisory Board members that comprises: Read more over Training and evaluation